How to Make Christmas Crackers and Bonbons

The holiday season is a time for giving and sharing, and what better way to do that than with homemade Christmas crackers and bonbons? These festive treats are a staple in many holiday traditions and can be made easily at home with just a few materials. In this article, we'll go through the steps on how to make your very own Christmas crackers and bonbons.

Materials Needed

To make Christmas crackers, you will need:

  • Toilet paper tubes or cardboard tubes (2 per cracker)
  • Wrapping paper or tissue paper
  • Snaps
  • Small toys or trinkets
  • Ribbon or string
  • Glue or tape
  • Scissors

To make Christmas bonbons, you will need:

  • Tissue paper or wrapping paper
  • Small toys or trinkets
  • Ribbon or string
  • Scissors

Step 1: Make the Christmas Crackers

  1. Cut the toilet paper tubes or cardboard tubes in half, so you have two short tubes.
  2. Place a snap in the middle of one of the tubes.
  3. Add small toys or trinkets, such as mini puzzles, erasers, or keychains, on top of the snap.
  4. Place the second tube on top of the first, lining them up evenly.
  5. Cut a piece of wrapping paper or tissue paper to the length of the tubes and wide enough to wrap around them with a bit of overlap.
  6. Place the tubes in the center of the paper and roll the paper tightly around the tubes.
  7. Twist the ends of the paper on either side of the tubes to seal them.
  8. Tie a piece of ribbon or string around each end of the cracker to secure it.

Step 2: Make the Christmas Bonbons

  1. Cut a piece of tissue paper or wrapping paper to a size of approximately 20 x 30 cm.
  2. Place small toys or trinkets in the center of the paper.
  3. Roll the paper tightly around the toys, twisting the ends of the paper on either side of the toys to seal them.
  4. Tie a piece of ribbon or string around each end of the bonbon to secure it.

And that's it! With just a few materials and some creativity, you can make your very own Christmas crackers and bonbons to share with family and friends. Plus, by making them yourself, you can use eco-friendly materials and reduce waste during the holiday season. Happy crafting!